bella springer över gårdsplanen i mörkret.
är en yra av långa ben, vilt hår och
i’ve missed you..! i’ve missed you..! i’ve missed you..!
om och om och om igen under stjärnhimmeln.
att vi är trötta resenärer glömmer vi när vi tumlar ur bilen
och lastar ur resväskor, barnvagn och liten pojke till
förtjusta skrik av en sagoflicka i gummistövlar
det finns överraskning för Er..! ö v e r r a s k n i n g..!
det är soldattorpet hon menar, där hon springer över
kullerstenen mellan sovande vinterrabatter.
i djupet av mig blommar där lila små skira, vilda blommor
och jag kan vägen utan att se den. det var här jag till slut
bottnade i mitt eget mörker och hittade mitt eget ljus.
cirklar måste slutas så att de nästan hörs klicka samman
ute över de frostiga fälten när vi kliver in,
välkomnade av ett nästan som om tomt ark rum.
mellan nymålade äggoljetempera-väggar lever nu bara
en stor säng, den gamla kyrkobänken och vita små spetsiga
stjärnor som lyser på lång rad i ett fönster.
det här är det finaste av sätt för det här året att närma sig sitt slut.
ett andrum med eko av mörkrum, allt i nytt ljus.

noël måttar med yxan.
MoFa säger hur, står tillitsfullt nära när flisorna yr.
vi är och hugger gran som när vi var barn och har valt vilken
under samma vilda diskussioner som då.
noël bär sedan i ena änden, finurlig blick under mörk kalufs,
i ett ständigt snett tonåringens léende. bella bär i andra änden.
i djupet av mig är hon jag. bär den egentligen lite för tunga granen,
skarpt stickig genom ullvantarna, envis i tyst koncentration.
stilla stolthet i gläntorna. in emellan två stora träd står en vagn.
däri sover vår pojke. det är hans första granjakt,
men det vet han inte än.
fler cirklar måste slutas så att de nästan hörs klicka samman
i granskogen. jag minns det som om det alltid snöade då.
nu är det mild, gyllene eftermiddagssol.
kanske är det de klibbiga karamellerna i fickan eller
den plötsliga upptäckten inne bland träden,
- av en enorm gran klädd med riktiga, stora röda äpplen
i randiga snören och spillande inslagna paket inunder,
som de kommer minnas av den här dagen.
sedan. om många år från nu.
den plötsliga upptäckten inne bland träden,
- av en enorm gran klädd med riktiga, stora röda äpplen
i randiga snören och spillande inslagna paket inunder,
som de kommer minnas av den här dagen.
sedan. om många år från nu.
jag är lätt och mest utan kameran.
inga mörkrum nu. bara ljusa andrum.

cassius förlorar sig i bella.
han kryper efter, rasar hennes sagotorn av klossar.
han tittar och tittar och tittar.
de gör musik i köket, slår på upp och ner vända kastruller
med slevar. i djupet av mig är bella liten igen.
lägger en i taget på varsam hög och vänder om
för applåder av oss runt middagsbordet.
än fler cirklar måste slutas så att de nästan hörs
klicka samman mellan vinglas och levande ljus på bordet.
det görs grönkålschips kväll efter kväll.
doften av gratinerad hummer och hembakat bröd,
doften av gran och clementiner, av just vårt hemma.
vi dricker champagne i badtunnan den 23e.
eldkorgen brinner vilt och skratten stiger med ångan.
i djupet av mig är jag tillbaka just här, för några år sedan i tid.
vi vakade in julafton hängande över kanten på
den då nya badtunnan då med.
det ångade från nakna axlar och färdades bubblor i glasen.
uppåt, uppåt, mot trädtopparna blickade vi,
men inte en stjärna.
nu är det stjärnklart. tydligt allt.
jag är viktlös i vattnet. så medveten om allt som är nu.
det här är de nya sagorna om då. som vi alla ska komma att minnas.

med kärlek,
image n°1 | bella is wearing (hat) and reading fairytales gifted
- and made by truly amazing friend sara n bergman
- and made by truly amazing friend sara n bergman
image n°2 | cassius bunny cap is from HM,
crazy lovely yarn vest is from kung fidolin
and golden yellow velvet pants from GRO company
bella runs across the yard in the dark.
is a whirl of long legs, wild hair and
i’ve missed you..! i’ve missed you..! i’ve missed you..!
over and over and over again under the starry sky.
we forget being weary travelers as we tumble out of the car
and unload suitcases, stroller and a little boy
at the delighted shouting of a fairy girl in rubber boots
’there is surprise for you..!’ s u r p r i s e..!
it’s the soldier's cottage, she’s referring to, as she runs over
the cobblestones between the sleeping winter flowerbeds.
in the depths of me blooms tiny delicate, wild purple flowers
and i know the way without seeing it. it was here that i
finally reached the bottom of my own darkness
and here that i found my own light.
circles must be closed so that they can almost
be heard clicking together, out over the frosty fields
when we enter, welcomed by an almost as if clean sheet room.
be heard clicking together, out over the frosty fields
when we enter, welcomed by an almost as if clean sheet room.
between freshly painted eggoiltempera walls now lives only
a large bed, that old church bench and white,
small pointed stars that shines in a long row in a window.
it is the most beautiful way this year could ever be
closing in on its end. a breathing space
with the echo of a darkroom. all in a new light.
we are christmas tree hunting, just like when we were children
and have chosen which one during the same wild discussions as then.
noël then carries at one end, shrewd glances from under dark,
long bangs, constantly with a secretive teenage smile.
bella carries at the other end. in the depths of me, she is me.
lugs the actually a bit too heavy tree, sharply prickly through the
woollen mittens, stubborn in silent concentration.
long bangs, constantly with a secretive teenage smile.
bella carries at the other end. in the depths of me, she is me.
lugs the actually a bit too heavy tree, sharply prickly through the
woollen mittens, stubborn in silent concentration.
quiet pride in the forest clearings.
in between two large trees stands a stroller.
in between two large trees stands a stroller.
in it sleeps our child. it is his first christmas tree hunt,
but he doesn’t know that yet.
more circles must be closed so that they can almost be heard
clicking together, out there in the pine forest.
i remember it as if it was always snowing back then.
clicking together, out there in the pine forest.
i remember it as if it was always snowing back then.
now there’s only a gentle, golden afternoon sun.
maybe it’s the gluey caramels in the pocket
or the sudden discovery out among the trees,
- of a huge fir tree decorated with real, big red apples
hanging from striped string and with gift wrapped boxes
spilling out underneath, that they will remember from this day.
or the sudden discovery out among the trees,
- of a huge fir tree decorated with real, big red apples
hanging from striped string and with gift wrapped boxes
spilling out underneath, that they will remember from this day.
later. many years from now.
i feel airy and am mostly without the camera.
no darkrooms now. only light breathing space.
cassius looses himself in bella.
he crawls after, collapses her wood brick castles.
he looks and looks and looks.
they make music in the kitchen, drums on upside down pots
with ladles. in the depths of me, bella is small again.
she plays with potatoes in that same kitchen,
adds one at a time into a cautious stack and double back
for applause from us around the dinner table.
even more circles must be closed so that they can almost
be heard clicking together, between wine glasses
and candles burning on the table.
there’s the making of kale crisps, night after night.
there’s the scent of lobster thermidor & freshly baked bread,
the scent of pine and clementines, of just our home.
we drink champagne in the wilderness hot tub on the 23rd.
the fire basket is wildly afire and laughter rises with the steam.
in the depths of me, i’m back right here, but a few years ago in time.
we spent a devotional christmas eve watch,
hanging over the edge of the then new wilderness hot tub then too.
vapor veiled from bare shoulders and bubbles travelled in glasses.
upwards, upwards, toward the treetops we looked,
but not a single star.
now it's a starry night. everything is clear.
i’m weightless in the water.
so awake to everything that is now.
these are the new stories about back then.
that we all will come to remember.
cassius looses himself in bella.
he crawls after, collapses her wood brick castles.
he looks and looks and looks.
they make music in the kitchen, drums on upside down pots
with ladles. in the depths of me, bella is small again.
she plays with potatoes in that same kitchen,
adds one at a time into a cautious stack and double back
for applause from us around the dinner table.
even more circles must be closed so that they can almost
be heard clicking together, between wine glasses
and candles burning on the table.
there’s the making of kale crisps, night after night.
there’s the scent of lobster thermidor & freshly baked bread,
the scent of pine and clementines, of just our home.
we drink champagne in the wilderness hot tub on the 23rd.
the fire basket is wildly afire and laughter rises with the steam.
in the depths of me, i’m back right here, but a few years ago in time.
we spent a devotional christmas eve watch,
hanging over the edge of the then new wilderness hot tub then too.
vapor veiled from bare shoulders and bubbles travelled in glasses.
upwards, upwards, toward the treetops we looked,
but not a single star.
now it's a starry night. everything is clear.
i’m weightless in the water.
so awake to everything that is now.
these are the new stories about back then.
that we all will come to remember.
with love,
SvaraRaderayou are such a master
of moods, magic, tones,
space between the lines
to get a feel,
while filling them with one's own imagination...
i'm so grateful for this space of yours,
for always coming away touched,
overflowing some how.
it's a rare thing.
Raderaoh my.. thank you SO much, darling rebecca..
.. what a comment and compliment(s)..!
i love it if there’s space for y o u in between..
.. that makes me really happy, that sentence..
thank you.. truly..
oh my...I am very sorry for crying all the time
SvaraRaderawhen I come over this wonderful place and
read and watch what you show us...*hihihi*
I remember the post about Bella and the potatos,
I remember the post about Noel and the little eifel tower,
I remember the post about your x-mas now 3 years ago...
I remember the post when you wrote about this time
when you lost your way and found yourself in the dark...
that time I was a silent follower and
had to translate your language to understand finally
what I already saw in your pictures...
I remember how long you touch me with all your wonderful posts.
And I want to thank you for that - you lovely sweet Honeypie!
I am looking forward to more of your wonderful stories...
and I will always remember this post today...
again it touched my heart and I can almost see Bella and Cassius
and all of you. And again I am very happy for you!
Just want to let you know.
I am very happy for you....and....
again you give me hope.
Raderathank you so much, sweetheart t,
- that’s so lovely to hear you were here
already back then.. i didn’t know that..!
it’s peculiar how i am myself as if transported
back to memories when i write new posts.
i mean.. i already knew it’s like a diary of sorts,
but to be reminded with photos a n d words..
sometimes it really gets to me too. *smiles*
thank you, always, for being there (here) in such
a generous, kind and beautiful way..!
wishing you a lovely end to the week, darling..!