vi lämnar lägenheten i den gamla vapenfabriken.
den med imponerande takhöjd men tveksamma omgivningar.
lämnar 'urban flowers' och asfalt. lämnar småfåglar som sjunger nästan maniskt;
höga på klorofyll i den glömda korridor av grönska som vårt stora sovrum angränsar till.
lämnar att ha levt i stort sett bara i den enorma sängen, som är som ett moln,
för att de andra rummen är mörka och aldrig riktigt blir hemma.
vi kommer till lägenheten i huset från slutet av 1800talet.
den med minst lika imponerande takhöjd och havet i samma kvarter.
vi har en staty, som jag funderar över om det kan vara jeanne d'arc, som står vakt,
om än med söndervittrat svärd, utanför det rum jag använder som studio.
om än med söndervittrat svärd, utanför det rum jag använder som studio.
fiskmåsarna dansar ständigt i luften och tycks berätta historier för varandra.
folk är alltid vid strandkanten och jag påminns om både bali och
hemma vid havet i sverige på en och samma gång.
det är en blandning som gör mig alldeles svag i knäna, varenda morgon,
när jag drar den tunna gardinen lite åt sidan och tittar på det turkosa vattnet.

här är fönstren sådär som på film, man drar upp dem med all sin kraft.
så stannar de där av sig själv och släpper in doft av atlanten & jasmin på sommarbris.
jag packar upp några lådor från sverige i taget. de flesta har lillasysters handstil
som skvallrar om innehållet och jag stryker över pappret och hennes
ritade stjärnor & noteringar. fina saker - packa upp!
jag berörs av varenda kartong. varsamt inslaget i silkespapper
finner jag små saker som rest med mig ända från indonesien, små lappar
med stora ord. sparade brev från vänner och bleknade fotografier av min familj.
dofter och detaljer. mängder av muggar, ännu fler minnen.
varenda liten sak betyder så mycket nu, på avstånd från älskade,
- de små tingens gud.
ljuset väller in. nästan lika mjukt våldsamt som tacksamheten.
jag är given åter den där varsamheten om varje liten detalj.
har glömt hur man tog det där för givet.
det goda livet, som m säger, - Ni är så bra på det, you vikings.
lägger sådan känsla och kärlek i allt.
och jag älskar.
jag älskar takhöjden som inte ens får plats att fånga.
jag älskar alla pinalerna på nytt. parfymerna jag äntligen kan packa upp.
de olika förnimmelserna de lockar fram när jag drar in deras doft.
de olika förnimmelserna de lockar fram när jag drar in deras doft.
jag älskar att hitta vaser jag glömt att jag hade. en speciell tekopp jag saknat.
jag älskar tygerna jag valt i paris och de små trägubbarna jag valt på bali.
fast mest av allt älskar jag lapparna med ord jag trodde var borta.
hur mamma skrivit gamla glas domer - väldigt ömtåligt på en kartong.
och lillasysters stjärnor. miss bergmans vackra kort.
gamla och nya kärlekar.
och den röda tråden som nu tycks löpa genom allt,
och den röda tråden som nu tycks löpa genom allt,
varsamt inslaget i silkespapper. kärleken, i allt.

jag återser lilla musan och magiska miss madsen.
vi flyger till samma plats och fotograferar en höstkollektion.
jag bär med mig tillbaka deras skratt i väskan. deras närvaro och bilden
av oss alla invirade i filtar och med huvudena tätt över en liten
film på mobilen. vår värld i världen, som öppnas och stängs omkring oss,
är bara vår, vart vi än ses i världen. gamla och nya kärlekar.
ljuset väller in. nästan lika mjukt våldsamt som tacksamheten.
jag är given åter den där varsamheten om varje liten detalj.
har glömt hur man tog det där för givet.

hej då juni, hela Du var som återseendet av en gammal vän.
och jag älskar. allt jag har.
men mest av allt med allt jag har.

image n°1 | portrait of lina from the fira a/w'14 shoot
image n°2-7 | stills from home
image n°8 | work for fira s/s'16 | model : lina lindholm | mua & hair : jossi madsen
music | private lawns by angus & julia stone (+ full memories of an old friend album)
details | sara has painted the color splattered foliage for me
© hannah lemholt photography
music | private lawns by angus & julia stone (+ full memories of an old friend album)
details | sara has painted the color splattered foliage for me
© hannah lemholt photography
leave the impressive ceiling hight but dubious surroundings.
leave 'urban flowers' and asphalt. leave the small birds singing almost manically;
high on chlorophyll in the forgotten corridor of greenery that our large bedroom adjoins.
leave having lived almost exclusively in the huge white bed, which is like a cloud,
as the other rooms were dark and never really felt like home.
we come to the flat in the house from the late 19th century.
come to the, - at least as impressive ceiling hight and the sea next door.
there’s an old statue, which i wonder whether it might be Joan of Arc,
standing guard with her weathered sword, outside the room i now use as a studio.
the seagulls are dancing constantly in the air and seem to be telling each other endless stories.
people are always hanging around the water-side and i am reminded of both bali
and of home by the sea in sweden, at the same time.
it's a mix that makes me weak in the knees, every single morning,
when i pull the thin curtains to the side and look at the turquoise water.
leave 'urban flowers' and asphalt. leave the small birds singing almost manically;
high on chlorophyll in the forgotten corridor of greenery that our large bedroom adjoins.
leave having lived almost exclusively in the huge white bed, which is like a cloud,
as the other rooms were dark and never really felt like home.
we come to the flat in the house from the late 19th century.
come to the, - at least as impressive ceiling hight and the sea next door.
there’s an old statue, which i wonder whether it might be Joan of Arc,
standing guard with her weathered sword, outside the room i now use as a studio.
the seagulls are dancing constantly in the air and seem to be telling each other endless stories.
people are always hanging around the water-side and i am reminded of both bali
and of home by the sea in sweden, at the same time.
it's a mix that makes me weak in the knees, every single morning,
when i pull the thin curtains to the side and look at the turquoise water.
here the windows are like in the movies, you pull them up and open with all your might.
then they stay there by themselves and let in the scent of jasmine on an atlantic summer breeze.
i unpack boxes from sweden, slowly here and there. many have baby sister e's handwriting
on them, - telling of their content and i stroke the cardboard and her
drawn stars and notes. beautiful things - unpack!
i am touched by every box. carefully wrapped in tissue paper,
i find little things that’s traveled with me all the way from indonesia.
small notes with big words. saved letters from friends
and faded photographs of my family. fragrances and finds.
many teacups and more memories.
every little detail matters so much now, away from the beloved ones,
- the god of small things.
the light spills in. almost as softly violent as the gratitude.
i am given anew that caring for every little detail.
have forgotten how to take that for granted.
the good life, as m says, - you’re so good at it, you vikings.
you put such feeling and love into everything.
and i love.
i love the ceiling height that can’t even be captured in full.
i love all the objects again. the perfumes i can finally unpack.
the different sensations they bring back as i breathe them in.
i love finding flower vases i forgot i had. a special teacup i had missed.
i love the fabrics i’ve chosen in paris and the small figurines i’ve chosen on bali.
though most of all i love the notes with words i thought were gone.
mama's thoughtful old glass domes - very fragile! scribbled on a box.
and baby sister e's stars. miss bergman's carefully chosen cards.
old and new loves. and the red thread now seemingly running through everything,
carefully wrapped in tissue paper. the love, in everything.
i am reunited with the little muse and the magic miss madsen.
we fly to the same location and shoot an autumn collection.
i carry their laughter back with me in my bag. their presence and an inner image
of the three of us, wrapped in blankets, tight-knit heads over a short film.
our world in the world, which opens and closes around us,
is only ours, wherever we meet up in the world. old and new loves.
the light spills in. almost as softly violent as the gratitude.
i am given anew that caring for every little detail.
have forgotten how to take that for granted.
goodbye june, all of your days were like
seeing a treasured old friend.
and i love. all that i have got.
but most of all, - with everything i’ve got.
then they stay there by themselves and let in the scent of jasmine on an atlantic summer breeze.
i unpack boxes from sweden, slowly here and there. many have baby sister e's handwriting
on them, - telling of their content and i stroke the cardboard and her
drawn stars and notes. beautiful things - unpack!
i am touched by every box. carefully wrapped in tissue paper,
i find little things that’s traveled with me all the way from indonesia.
small notes with big words. saved letters from friends
and faded photographs of my family. fragrances and finds.
many teacups and more memories.
every little detail matters so much now, away from the beloved ones,
- the god of small things.
the light spills in. almost as softly violent as the gratitude.
i am given anew that caring for every little detail.
have forgotten how to take that for granted.
the good life, as m says, - you’re so good at it, you vikings.
you put such feeling and love into everything.
and i love.
i love the ceiling height that can’t even be captured in full.
i love all the objects again. the perfumes i can finally unpack.
the different sensations they bring back as i breathe them in.
i love finding flower vases i forgot i had. a special teacup i had missed.
i love the fabrics i’ve chosen in paris and the small figurines i’ve chosen on bali.
though most of all i love the notes with words i thought were gone.
mama's thoughtful old glass domes - very fragile! scribbled on a box.
and baby sister e's stars. miss bergman's carefully chosen cards.
old and new loves. and the red thread now seemingly running through everything,
carefully wrapped in tissue paper. the love, in everything.
i am reunited with the little muse and the magic miss madsen.
we fly to the same location and shoot an autumn collection.
i carry their laughter back with me in my bag. their presence and an inner image
of the three of us, wrapped in blankets, tight-knit heads over a short film.
our world in the world, which opens and closes around us,
is only ours, wherever we meet up in the world. old and new loves.
the light spills in. almost as softly violent as the gratitude.
i am given anew that caring for every little detail.
have forgotten how to take that for granted.
goodbye june, all of your days were like
seeing a treasured old friend.
and i love. all that i have got.
but most of all, - with everything i’ve got.
Hannaaaah! You write so beautiful, it almost hurts ...
SvaraRaderaIt's always a pleasure to read your words, all the little delightful fragments of your daily life.
Wish you a magical Summertime, wherever you are.
Please say hello to the sea for me :)
Sirka x
Raderasirka, thank you so much..!
your words mean the world to me,
especially today. :) thank you.
and i promise. i will say hi, - & whisper
your name to it. may it bring you joy.
Ahh, so glad you're *home*, by the sea, happy!
SvaraRaderaI can imagine how all that spills into your life & work
& inspiration flowing...
(We had impressive sash windows in our London home, too,
with wisteria growing below,
and I still remember how I loved them so,
despite the huge crack in between the panes
that meant a huge draft in wintertime :) )
Hugs from the Nordic shores, xxx
Raderathank you so much, sweetheart..!
and yes, that's exactly it.. almost crazy
how as soon as we unloaded the boxes,
inspiration just went into overdrive..
such a beautiful feeling..!
thank you for thinking of me that way..
oh, yes, - so many stunning features
in these old english houses and flats.
the inside of my palms are seriously
itching, - but need to buy first, me thinks..
hugs from the seafront,
- & lots of love, h
RaderaLOVE 'getting' music like this .. thank you, sweetheart !
a favorite from a favorite album of theirs, - a lovely reminder ..
wishing you a lovely week,
Thanks sweeet H.... for giving me a bit hope in hard times...again.
SvaraRaderaMay July be kind and most wonderful to you.
x, t.
Raderaoh, sweetheart, - if i can do that for you,
then that makes me truly happy.
may the hard times be replaced by happiness,
they always are, you know..
and may july be at least as kind,
- & at least as wonderful to you.
you are such a deserving darling.
thank you, always, for your words.
big HUG,
Åh Hannah,
SvaraRaderaen liten inblick i ert nya hem, ser helt magiskt ut,
älskar de gamla vackra kranarna!
underbart att ni hamnat vid havet, förstår att du måste trivas!
hoppas vi hinner ses i augusti!
Tusen tack igen för det vackra paketet! <3
Raderaja, det är fint, goding..! vi är alldeles glada
varje dag. jag klagar IKKE, - men hade vi
fått dra bort heltäcknings-mattorna hade det
kunnat vara i stort sett redo för inredningsreportage.
:) förutom att precis varenda bord i hela lägenheten
är gjorda av fyra, två, eller sex sammansatta och
ännu fullproppade flyttkartonger (med mina allldeles
för många linnegardiner draperade runt) .. :)
framförallt, - att ha under en minut till strandkanten.
det är lycka. och inspirationen flödar.
jag hoppas att Du, - & Ni är lyckliga och inspirerade
i Ert nya hem. och så, precis så, - hoppas jag få hälsa
på där. eller åtminstone ses på en kullerstensgata i
stockholm i augusti !
kärlek, - & njut paris,
Hannah min vän
SvaraRadera...jag får sådana välbehagsrysningar så jag nästan blir tårig i ögonen.
Dina vinklar...dina färger...dina detaljer...ditt öga för skönhet....ahhh skulle kunna fortsätta i evigheter.
Vi lyssnar också på Angus & Julia Stone i det Bergman-Bernhardssonska hemmet.
Upptäckte dem nyligen & blev förälskad.
...& så är jag förälskad i dig
Raderadito, älskade vän.. !
så får Du mig att känna på varenda vandring
över Era golv..
mm, de är fina de där två..! riktig musik crush..
paper aeroplane är en av de största favoriterna..
alltid. förälskad i Dig, alfred,
oh i do think that must be your secret to creating such lovely art and one perhaps i can share: to love all you've got, with everything you've got. thank you for such multisense-provoking words that reach deep into my soul and unlock something new, something maybe forgotten. it's what your art does for me. and unlocking is never a small thing. peace to you, keymaster.
Radera.. find myself a bit speechless by your words, michele.
thank you so much, truly, for saying such beautiful words.
i take it to heart (and soul) because i do know unlocking is
never a small thing. thank you..
peace to you, for it is likewise in you, - or i would simple be
holding a useless key.. *smiles*
and much love too,
Så vackert i ert hem, fint du skriver och underbara bilder på fina dig! Kram Suss
Raderastort tack, suss, - vad fint av Dig !
just de här bilderna är dock av min lilla musa, lina,
- tagna för klädmärket fira.. :)
kram, - & härlig helg,