mitt i den kallaste av vintrar, fick jag ord sända till mig från en vacker en.
ord som ekade för oss båda, om vad vi valt, oberoende av varandra;
om hur vi valt att leva och vart det sedan tagit oss.
jag vill låta de där orden gå i arv till Er, mitt i längtan efter en ny vår,
tillsammans med en del av fotografierna från frankrike och den look book
vi satte samman för kyss johanna, - la Belle Heir.
den Vackra Arvingen..
in the midst of the coldest of winters, i was sent words by a beautiful one.
words that echoed of what we had chosen, independently from each other;
how we had chosen to live and where it had subsequently taken us.
i want you to inherit those words now, in longing for a new spring,
- & along with some of the photographs from the days in france
and the look book we put together for kiss johanna - la Belle Heir.
the Beautiful Heir..

"You ruin your life by choosing the wrong person.
What is it with our need to fast-track relationships?
Why are we so enamored with the idea of first becoming
somebody’s rather than somebodies?
Trust me when I say that a love bred out of convenience,
a love that blossoms from the need to sleep beside someone,
a love that caters to our need for attention rather than passion,
is a love that will not inspire you at 6am when you roll over and embrace it.
Strive to discover foundational love,
the kind of relationship that motivates you to be a better man or woman,
the kind of intimacy that is rare rather than right there.
’But I don’t want to be alone’, we often exclaim.

Be alone.
Eat alone, take yourself on dates, sleep alone.
In the midst of this you will learn about yourself.
You will grow, you will figure out what inspires you,
you will curate your own dreams, your own beliefs, your own stunning clarity,
and when you do meet the person who makes your cells dance,
you will be sure of it, because you are sure of yourself.
Wait for it.
Please, I urge you to wait for it, to fight for it,
to make an effort for it if you have already found it,
because it is the most beautiful thing your heart will experience."

och med det;
tack för all den kärlek Ni visar mig här.
and with that;
thank you for all the love You show me, here.
shoot | look book la Belle Heir for kiss johanna
team | model : lina lindholm | mua & hair : jossi madsen
location | chateau de courcelles | thank you..!
wardrobe | caught up in the magic kimono by girl on a vine
and circle y necklace by dogeared all from kiss johanna
words | from how to ruin your life (without even noticing that you are)
written by bianca sparacino - read the rest here
© hannah lemholt photography
Oh my gosh Honey....
SvaraRaderaThis post blows me away!
It speaks right out of my heart!!!
People often wonder why I'm alone
why I live my life the way I do it - alone....
A friend one day told me how much she admired me,
that I am so straight in going my way alone,
that I don't listen to what other people say,
that I don't take any man, just because he is single
and I am...
that I not doubt, that this is right, and that this is
the only right thing I can do for myself...
I said to her, I know how the real love feels
I had it in my life...and now
and I could not bear to live with a man
just so I'm not alone
just so that someone is there...
That's not enough for me.
I want it all .... and I know that this really exist!
The real love...and one day I will have it again.
I do not need anyone ....
and this is the best prerequisite for true love
this and my self-love...
I will find it when the time is right -
and until then I enjoy my life.
You have no idea how happy I am for you!
x, t.
Raderathank you so much, sweet t, for an amazingly beautiful comment
and much appreciated words.. thank you so much for sharing..!
i’m truly moved by this..
much love,
Stort tack för att Du delade den! Den stora kärleken, den där som inte säger "jag behöver" utan " för att jag vill"', den har varit min i snart tretton år nu och jag upphör inte att vara tacksam. Stycket om förväntningar och att följa sitt inre talade starkt...om något som blivit allt klarare genom åren, men ändå kräver mod. Bilderna, åh....den där mörka "sammetskänslan" i dem skvallrar verkligen om slott och arvtagerskor! :) Tack igen för att Du förgyllde min dag. ❤️
Raderaåh.. tack själv joanna..!
jag ska också säga att jag nuförtiden alltid
blir lite extra lycklig av att läsa kommentarer
om den där sanna, rätta kärleken, - som h å l l e r .. !
*ler* tänker mycket på, - & känner tacksamheten
Du nämner varje ny dag nu. det är enormt fint..!
då behöver det inte vara enkelt allt, eller alltid rosen-
skimrande.. *ler* .. när det som grund finns.. d e t.
tack till DIG..! för att Du tog Dig tid att skriva ner allt
det där fina.. stort, stort TACK..!
varm kram,
Jaaa äntligen, jublade jag på fm när jag såg att ett nytt inlägg fanns här. Din blogg är den jag längtar mest efter, blir så inspirerad av och mår gott av. Vilken inspiration du ger. Det är som en vitamininjektion :D
SvaraRaderaKramar från Katarina i Norr
Här världen är vit, och solen är saknad!
Raderagoding..! :)
jag önskar Dig SOL !
frusen men varm kram
från ett disigt london,
i like your post, the soft textures and the colors of your pictures (the necklace on the naked back is my favourite) but i prefer your own writings.
SvaraRaderathe phrase "you ruin your life" makes me create the image of a strict person who is pointing with his finger, lecturing about what is right and what is wrong. and probably this is how the evaluation system of the author works.
but love is a state of being, it's a self-nourished approach to life itself. if you love, you are free, and you set others free as well. the Other is only a fellow traveller. anything else would put you and/or him/her into an ego-shell.
as long as we keep ourselves out of the ego-shell, we cannot ruin our lives. as long as we don't victimise ourselves, we make choises out of love and not out of necessity.
the rest is only a matter of timing.
sending white butterflies and warm spring sun rays
Raderathank you sweetheart..!
it’s funny, - i thought e x a c t l y that same
thing both reading this the first time, - & posting
it now; about the 1st part being ’lecturing’ and,
to me‚ from a negative standpoint, - but i love the
rest of it; and believe it truly; the state of love and
respect for ourselves having to come first, then
can we truly be respectful, and thereby loving,
towards others. so i posted it for that, - & see;
it made you write this to me, which i so appreciate.
so good things all in all..! *smiles*
i’m glad you appreciating my own writings. thank you !
and a whole lot of love,
Det är alltid roligt att se att du har skrivit ett nytt inlägg. Idag var det vackert och som alltid med många fina ord som blir poesi.
SvaraRaderaJag hoppas att allt är bra med dig och att du får en fin påskhelg !
Raderatack, anci .. !!
allt gott efter en fantastisk påsk på österlen.
hoppas att även Din varit vacker & mysig !