How did you find your home (have you been looking for it
for a long time/found it by accident etc.)?
Where i live and work now, is actually a part of my
parents ’land’ and i live there,
in a small soldiers cottage from the 18th century.
parents ’land’ and i live there,
in a small soldiers cottage from the 18th century.
The move here came about just a while back,
from me needing a place to ’land’ after a break-up.
I think i couldn’t have found a better place to heal,
than here, where the fields surround me
and where amazingly starry nights make for
a very natural & uncluttered space.
a very natural & uncluttered space.
It’s easier to find the way back to yourself then perhaps.
And if I don’t want to be alone, we gather around the fireplace
and talk, or play cards, or just go for a
and talk, or play cards, or just go for a
silent walk among the fields.

Is there a funny anecdote about your home,
your move-in, the renovation process, a history, etc. ?
It was very cold when i just moved in,
and as stunning as the old, original windows are,
- they are also just single glass, so at its lowest
the house was just below 8 degrees.
when i woke up there’d be ice & snow crystals
on the inside of the windows.
Then you get to test yourself a little bit..
Do you crawl under the duvets & cry?
Or do you make a fire in the beautiful fireplace
& take photographs of the crystals.
I chose the latter.
And put on an extra pair of teal socks.
Then i still cried though.

What makes your home special / different from other homes?
I think any home is special if it’s soulful, - if it’s you.
Then it reflects the person living there.
I think my home, however temporary,
reflects me in the sense that i surround myself
with things that has meaning to me.
Perhaps the object tells a story or it has both
beauty and purpose.
I think it was Virginia Woolf that said
’Arrange whatever pieces come your way.’
and i’ve been told i’ve done that since i was a child.
The little, or ’simple’ things,
like a bouquet of fading tulips, can have so much beauty
if it is just put in the right place or surrounding,
like a bouquet of fading tulips, can have so much beauty
if it is just put in the right place or surrounding,
if its given a meaning.
At least that’s what people say that visit me,
that every little thing has its special place and that
that’s peaceful somehow.
It sounds beautiful when they say it.

What did your home look like when you saw it
for the first time / when you moved in?
My parents had, as they always seem to,
put their (or our-) kind of touch,
to even this little ’extra house’..
.. with a base of natural & timeless
to even this little ’extra house’..
.. with a base of natural & timeless
in wooden floors, exposed ceiling beams and
original stone walls; just treated carefully
with egg oil tempera colors.
My father, who’s in construction,
had built the tiny little kitchen and my baby sister e
had hand-painted the black & white squares
to make the checkered wooden floor.
The night i arrived, heart in pieces,
they had lit the fireplace and we just carried in
very few, - & carefully selected things.
very few, - & carefully selected things.
Like the bed and my soft, white bedlinen,
some flowers, a pile of books
(’if i were a doctor that’s what i’d prescribe’, my dad said)
and one kettle plus my favorite cups,
so we could make great coffee right away.
some flowers, a pile of books
(’if i were a doctor that’s what i’d prescribe’, my dad said)
and one kettle plus my favorite cups,
so we could make great coffee right away.
That was a special, bittersweet first night
that i’ll never forget.

Where do your get your inspiration from?
From the arts as a whole, i think..
Mainly from books and film.
When my company is occupied by the
fighting scene of the latest Bourne movie,
all i can see is the stunning house they’re running around in,
guns blazing.. the amazing rounding of the staircase,
the light from a window in passing
and the beautifully worn wallpaper
all i can see is the stunning house they’re running around in,
guns blazing.. the amazing rounding of the staircase,
the light from a window in passing
and the beautifully worn wallpaper
that gets pumped with bullets.
I think perhaps also we,
- much as it is with creating photography as well;
try to re-create that or those homes we either lived in,
or visited, that for some reason stayed on in our hearts.
or visited, that for some reason stayed on in our hearts.
We travelled a lot to Tuscany when i was younger
and we’ve visited some amazing people,
in the most beautiful old houses there,
with such a natural & cool sense of style,
with such a natural & cool sense of style,
- & above all; a non-trendy approach to living
that i love and that is so inspiring to me.

What was the nicest piece of furniture or
home accessory that you have ever bought?
We each bought an ’ombra della serra’ in my family
when we visited Volterra in Italy.
(ombra della serra is italian for ’shadow of the evening’
and is an etruscan statue from the town of Velathri, later Volterra.
The statue is a nude male cast in bronze,
(ombra della serra is italian for ’shadow of the evening’
and is an etruscan statue from the town of Velathri, later Volterra.
The statue is a nude male cast in bronze,
about 60 cm long, with a very elongated body.
It has similarities to the work of
Alberto Giacometti, - whom i like a lot).
Mine got stolen in a housebreaking some years ago
and i’m determined to one day go back to
Volterra for another ’shadow man’.

How did you find / where did you buy
all those interesting books in your home?
I’m a real book-lover as the rest of my family,
- & quite many are gifts from them.
Since we were children it’s a christmas tradition
that all three sisters get a pyjama, our favorite chocolate
and a book, so that the days after christmas can be
spent lounging around reading, or as often in my case;
enjoying the photos of an amazing book..
The rest is from travels.
I always visit book-stores when i travel
and my latest purchases book-wise were made in Paris,
in the magic book-store ’Shakespeare and Company’
and at inspiring Colette at Rue Saint-Honoré.
Also, every time i visit Stockholm these days, - i go to beautiful
I always visit book-stores when i travel
and my latest purchases book-wise were made in Paris,
in the magic book-store ’Shakespeare and Company’
and at inspiring Colette at Rue Saint-Honoré.
Also, every time i visit Stockholm these days, - i go to beautiful
’Fotografiska’, ~ one of the worlds largest meeting
places for contemporary photography,
and i’ve made a habit of always buying
a photo book in their lovely shop.
a photo book in their lovely shop.

Was there any special day / occasion in your home,
that you remember?
I remember a big dinner party my parents held here,
just a few months ago, when i yet had no idea
i’d come to live here, in this house.
It entertained almost all the friends of my family,
people that has been a part of my life since me & my sisters were born
and i had many moments that evening & night,
of looking around that huge table,
and i had many moments that evening & night,
of looking around that huge table,
at all those faces, - at all those people that has been
there along my entire life journey.
For some reason, that night i was taking them all in
an extra lot;
an extra lot;
seeing them engaged in lively discussions,
laughter & conversation.
I think that’s all in the walls here now,
somehow, that’s a good thought.

{lina | finaste lilla musan | behind the scene spira s/s 13}
jag svarade på de här & en hel massa andra
frågor i en intervju häromkvällen,
för tyska inrednings magasinet
20 PRIVATE WOHNTRÄUME som kommer i vår.
marie {MO} & ur-duktiga fotografen sara svenningrud
var här och plåtade för norska magasinet kk ursprungligen
marie {MO} & ur-duktiga fotografen sara svenningrud
var här och plåtade för norska magasinet kk ursprungligen
{utkommer om någon vecka för Er i Norge}
och jag hörde att reportaget även kommer
att dyka upp i bl.a Residence i vår..
jag jobbar med spira s/s 13, lyssnar på
värvets podcast med kristoffer triumf,
dricker alldeles för mycket kaffe och försöker
laga mitt hjärta med randig tejp, fina samtal,
brev till okända & en liten, hemlig kvälls-ritual.
tack för att Ni alltjämt är här.
trots min tystnad.
kärlek till Er,
{canon eos 5d mark II | canon ef 50mm/1.4}
{© hannah lemholt}
...oh jag vill bara läsa mer & mer & mer...underbara människa.
SvaraRaderaGud vad jag längter tills du kommer.
Så vackert och enkelt du bor/lever nu. Ibland är det skönt för själen att befinna sig någon annanstans...Förstår att du läker nu, och att det är jobbigt... men du ska se att du snart kommer ut på andra sidan. Tur att du har ditt fotograferande. Då kan du se livet med en liten lins emellan så att det inte blir så intensivt...
SvaraRaderakram EM
Så vackert, där skulle jag vilja bo!
SvaraRaderaLåter som en perfekt plats att vara på, med din kärleksfulla familj här kan du nog få hjälp med att hela ditt ♥.. Ta hand om dig!
Mängder av värme & styrka sänder jag till dig vackra själ
så ler jag.
SvaraRaderaUtanpå och inuti.
Du känns starkare, helare nu.
Trots ett knastrigt hjärta med tejp runtom och trots ett huvud fullt av tankar, en kropp full av frågor och funderingar.. känns du helare nu.
Mycket mer du. (Eller vad jag tror är du.)
och vad kul, med reportaget!
Och som vanligt är texterna vackra, bilderna magiska och jag ler.
Blir verkligen tagen av alla vackra bilder, allt andas skönhet ♥
SvaraRaderaÅh, så fina bilder Hannah och så fint skrivet.. Man vill bara läsa mer & mer... :)
SvaraRaderaJag vet ingen som fångar en sådan känsla i bilder som du!! Man blir alldeles lycklig, varm och lugn inombords, när man ser dem! Du har ordets gåva och kan skapa bilder jag inte ens kunnat drömma om! Jag är djupt imponerad av ditt skapande! Så Vackert!!
SvaraRaderaSköt om din, fina du!
Mvh Marie
Guess what,
SvaraRaderaI spent the afternoon at the dentist's,
got home and dosed myself up on pain relief...
then clicked over to honeypieliving
to soak up this beautiful post in peace.
Now the pain is truly gone,
the best medicine,x
( And what a lovely, soulful nest you have! )
Thank you so much for sharing those stories ... and the wonderful pictures, of course!
SvaraRaderaBara alldeles, alldeles underbart! Tack för att du delar med dig.
SvaraRaderaMen åhhhh! Du kan konsten med att " tala" så vackert! Måla bilder framför en! Soooom jag ser fram emot Recidence! Snälla du, påminn oss när den kommer!! Det får jag ABSOLUT inte missa!! Vackra, underbara, magiska du! Du är helt otroligt fantastisk!
SvaraRaderaSå underbart Hannah..
SvaraRaderaoch det fina golvet.. suck..
om jag övertalar min H..
kanske jag får låna din syster.. ;)
och de randiga muggarna har jag likadana,
älskar dom..
men de gör sig inte lika vackert på min hylla dock..
Hoppas allt är lite bättre.
Kram och tack för allt..
Njuter så av dina texter, bilder och styrka.
SvaraRaderaMåste fråga: var hittar jag de randiga muggarna. Vill gärna ha!