det var en känsla av mer höjd än vanligt till himlen
och mycket kärlek liksom konserverad i jardin majorelle.
slingrande mellan enorma kaktusar och agave-plantor levde som en
egen luft gjord på skratt, varm bris och konstnärlig passion.
så säger en av mina anteckningar,
från när vi var där 2014 för att fotografera.
målaren jacques majorelle började skapa trädgården
runt sitt hem och studio på 30 talet.
yves saint laurent och hans partner pierre bergé fann
trädgården på 60 talet, under sin första resa till marrakech.
de skrev i sin ’éditions de la martinière’
“We quickly became very familiar with this garden,
and went there every day.
It was open to the public yet almost empty.
We were seduced by this oasis where colours used by Matisse
were mixed with those of nature.“
under 80 talet köpte saint laurent och bergé jardin majorelle
och räddade den undan från ett fastighetsprojekt där
trädgården skulle jämnas med marken och i dess ställe
skulle ett hotell komplex byggas.
paret flyttade in och tog hand om trädgården
och saint laurent hördes ofta beskriva hur han i den
funnit en otömlig källa av inspiration och att han
’ofta drömde om trädgårdens unika färger’.

2008 gick saint laurent ur tiden i paris,
men hans aska spreds i rosenträdgården i jardin majorelle.
vid begravningsceremonin där i trädgården avslutade
hans partner pierre bergé sitt tal med orden;
.. ’but i also know that i will never forget what i owe you
and that one day i will join you under the moroccan palms’ ..
kanske är det för att de räddade stadens lunga,
kanske är det för målarens alla drag med penseln,
för modeskaparens drömmar om dess färger eller för hans kärleks sista ord,
- som jag fann där leva så mycket kärlek och konstnärlig passion,
tillsammans med den fullkomliga skatten av växter.
jag är oerhört tacksam idag, över den mapp bilder
jag har i min samling därifrån och har nu delat med mig
av tre polaroider; två inifrån trädgården och en utifrån gatan
’rue yves saint laurent’. de finns som fine art tryck i
min personliga ’print shop’.

varmt tack till Er som redan sänt efter dessa tryck..!
det ska bli så fint att få se hur trädgården lever vidare också i Era hem.

image n°1 | polaroids from saint laurent n°2 can be found
here in the print shop and
image n°2 | polaroids from saint laurent n°1 here
image n°3 | yves saint laurent portrayed by pierre boulat
image n°4 | bergé’s words on one of my shots from the garden
image n°5 | polaroid from rue yves saint laurent
can be found here in the print shop
there was a feeling of more height than usual to heaven
and much love kind of preserved in jardin majorelle.
winding between huge cactus and agave plants lived as if
an air of its own,
made of laughter, a warm breeze and artistic passion.
or so says one of my notes, from when we
were there in 2014 to photograph.
painter jacques majorelle started creating the garden
around his home and studio in the 30's.
yves saint laurent and his partner pierre bergé found
the garden in the 60's, during their first stay in marrakech.
they wrote in their 'editions de la martinière';
“We quickly became very familiar with this garden,
and went there every day.
It was open to the public yet almost empty.
We were seduced by this oasis where colours used by Matisse
were mixed with those of nature.“
and went there every day.
It was open to the public yet almost empty.
We were seduced by this oasis where colours used by Matisse
were mixed with those of nature.“
during the 80's saint laurent and bergé bought jardin majorelle
and saved it from a real estate project in which the garden
was to be demolished and turned into a hotel complex.
the couple moved in and took care of the garden and
saint Llurent was often heard describe how he was able
to find an unlimited source of inspiration there and that he
’often dreamt about its unique colours’.
but his ashes were scattered in the rose garden of jardin majorelle.
at the funeral ceremony right there in the garden
his partner pierre bergé finished his speech with the words;
.. ’but i also know that i will never forget what i owe you
and that one day i will join you under the moroccan palms’ ..
perhaps it is because they saved the lungs of the city,
perhaps it is the painter’s every stroke of a brush,
the designer’s dreams of its colours or the last words from his love,
- that i found so much love and artistic passion living there,
along with the amazing treasure of plants.
i am extremely grateful today, for the folder of photographs i have in
my collection from there and i have now shared three polaroids,
- two from inside the garden and an from outside,
on rue yves saint laurent.
they are now available as fine art prints
in my personal 'print shop'.
heartfelt thanks to you who have already sent for these prints..!
it’ll be so beautiful to see how the garden lives on,
also in your homes.
Thank you for sharing these,
SvaraRaderaglimpses of a special place
through your unique lens...
The beauty of all the love & passion
poured right there,
then captured by you
in your loving, heartfelt way
only to live on before other people's eyes
~ I don't think I'll ever stop marvelling
at that magical transformative quality
of the creative chain.
How the beauty keeps multiplying,
My goodness how we need more & more of that
these days.
Thank you for continuing to beautify my days
hannah dear.
Much love & light & creative juices that overflow!
Raderathank you kindly, darling rebecca..
your words mean an extra lot right now.
that same love, that same light,
- & those same creative overflowing juices
your way,
thank you lovely h ♡!