

vi sitter alla tre runt vårt köksbord.
tekopp, kaffekopp, litet glas mandelmjölk.
de många ljusen i den stora gamla kyrkoljusstaken brinner i dunklet,
droppar stearin ner på en hög med julkort.
han virar sytråd, jag håller, liten pysslar med ett
blad eukalyptus; vänder och vrider med stor koncentration.
vi har lånat en av hans galgar i miniatyr,
för det som i år blir den enda lilla viskning av doft
och ensamma påminnelsen om jul här i vår lägenhet.

vi ska resa till sverige och julen där.
till en MoFa som bakar och lagar mat med vana, kärleksfulla händer.
han har sagt det själv, när livet bränt till omkring oss,
- '.. och allt jag kan göra är att laga mat..'
då har jag tänkt
vet Du inte än att just det är det finaste Du kan göra..?

timmarna i köket, i cirklar mellan vask och spis,
i det språk som är hans. saffran och vitt vin.
japanska sylvassa knivar och kökshandduk över axeln.
jag hoppas att Du vet, pappa. vi vet.
spartanen har redan något drömskt i rösten,
när han frågar strax innan vi somnar
vi kommer nog inte fram så sent att det inte blir middag..?
aldrig..! ler jag i mörkret.

vi ska resa till sverige och julen där.
till en MoMo som kommer ha letat runt efter vars ett
trearmat stearinljus i miniatyr, som kommer sitta fastklämt
runt tallrikarnas kant med såna där gammaldags hållare för julgransljus.
som kommer ha köpt surdegsknäcke, fantastiska ostar,
och har köat i timmar för den allra godaste sillen hos favoritfiskaren.
som säger inte köpa julklappar i år,
- Ni är presenterna. bara VAR.. här med oss.

vi ska resa till sverige och julen där.
mitt hjärta är stilla. liten's första jul. och allt passar.
det här är precis vad vi behöver. 
firande i miniatyr. till brädden fyllt av omtanke,
av kärlek,



all three of us sit around our kitchen table.
a tea cup, a coffee cup, a tiny glass of almond milk.
the many candles in the big old church candelabra burns in the dusk,
drips candle wax down on a heap of christmas cards.
he winds sewing thread, i hold, the baby potters with a eucalyptus leaf;
twist and turn with dewy-eyed concentration.
we've borrowed one of his hangers in miniature,
for that which this year becomes the only little whisper of
fragrance and solitary sign of christmas in our flat.

we're traveling to sweden and christmas there.
a grandpa MoFa baking and cooking with skilled, loving hands.
he's said it himself, when life has burned around us;
- '.. and all i can do is to cook ..'
i've thought
don't you know yet that that's the most beautiful thing you can do..?

hours in the kitchen, in circles between the sink and stove,
in the language that is his. saffron and white wine.
sharp-edged japanese steel and a kitchen towel over the shoulder.
i hope you know, papa. we know.
the spartan already speaks in a dreamy voice,
when he asks just before we fall asleep
we won't arrive so late that we won't do dinner..?
never..! i smile in the darkness.

we're traveling to sweden and christmas there.
a grandma MoMo that will have been searching for those our
traditional three-armed candles in miniature, which will then be held
by those antique christmas tree candleholders;
one on the edge of each bottom plate around the table.
a MoMo who will have bought sourdough crisp bread and amazing cheeses
and who's queued for hours to buy the tastiest herring from the favorite fisherman.
my mama who says don't buy christmas gifts this year,
- you are the presents. just BE.. here with us.

we're traveling to sweden and christmas there.
my heart is still. our baby's first christmas. and everything.. fits.
there's nothing we need more.
a christmas in miniature. filled to the brim with care.
with love,


10 kommentarer:

  1. Åh Hannah, dina vackra ord och bilder. Jag mår så bra ända in i själen och en quirky del av mig vill skriva ut och fästa på väggarna överallt här. Så att jag kan läsa och se allt vackert du skriver och avbildar, om och om igen... Jag önskar er den finaste av jular. Välkomna till Skåne ❤️


    1. ett sent men varmt och stort TACK
      för Din enormt fina kommentar, sara..!

      jag hoppas att Din jul var just så,
      - den finaste av jular. vår ligger mjuk i maggropen..

      tack och kärlek,


  2. Ahh, wishing you the loveliest Christmas time,
    an extra special first one for little C. x


    1. hoping you had the loveliest christmas time too,
      sweet rebecca, - we sure had a beautiful time..!

      i also hope the new year har started off amazingly
      for you today..!

      much love,



  3. gooooosh Honey...I CRY!
    mon dieu...I can't see what I am writing...
    this is sooooooooooo beautiful!
    I am totally happy for you.
    what a wonderful Christmas this will be -
    yes I am so very happy!
    and guess what...my mama was the same
    as your papa is.
    she once made the most delicious things
    in her kitchen...can you imagine that
    I have not eaten a few things since she died?
    because nobody made it as yummy as she did...
    so long ago.
    but now I am happy. for you. for Sweetie E. :)
    and all of your beloved ones!
    a lot of x-mas kisses and hugs for you all!


    1. a late but heartfelt hope that your christmas
      was lovely, darling t..! and maybe DO cook
      one of those mama dishes one day soon..?
      just because.. *smiles*

      hoping also that the new year has taken off
      to a beautiful start for you today and taken
      care of you extra well..!

      warm hugs,



  4. Hey Hannah,

    i'm really so enthusiastic (oh, wow!), to see all the magic on your brand-new print shop, darling.
    It's all so .. YOU ❤️

    Wishing you and your loved ones a magical Christmas, much love and cosiness.
    May your dreams and hopes come true for the upcoming 2017 ~

    XX Sirka
    +x for the sweet little C.


    1. thank you so, so much, sweetheart sirka..!
      that means a lot to me..

      hoping your christmas was indeed magical too,
      - & that the new year already feels promising..!

      much love,

      hannah x

      .. & cassius x ..

  5. Beautiful, as always ~enjoy being back home and thank you for always being so inspiring, in word and picture xxx


    1. thank you so much, maureen..!
      words i truly take to heart and with me..

      wishing you a beautiful beginning to
      the new year..!




i love words.
and i’ll be happy to
read some of yours..
they mean a lot to me.

in any language.
big or small.

that box down there
is y o u r very own space,
here with me,
to leave an imprint ..

x, h